Saturday, December 17, 2011

Truth or Dare

Truth or dare, I m trying to rock my curly look differently, I always get stuck doing the same old thing, cause its easy and quick!! not a good formula for being daring!!! lol!! So I found a style in ESSENCE MAGAZINE, that i thought would be cute! (tell me what you think!) 

Yes it required a little more work, but it was actually adventurous!  

I'm getting close!!!, try it, pick something this week that you never do, and try it!!!! I dare you! Let me know the outcome!

We all remember that age old game played  at the slumber parties in elementary school, truth or dare.  Little did we know that that was a real life game.  Fast forward, twenty years, we are really playing truth or dare right now.  Daily living is truth or dare. If you are trying the live the best quality of life, that is.

Long cardigan, Philthy Ragz, Shoes Jessica Simpson....

See my new do from the back!!!

Progress always involves taking risks; you cannot steal second base by keeping your foot on first.  You have got to take that first step and get your foot wet. Make some mistakes and learn from them.  I know, that’s even a hard step to take because let’s face it; many of us don’t take risks because we are afraid of failure. We talk about it, but we aren’t being about it!   

Side Profile......
Ok, you know I was feeling myself, but I felt confident and empowered. I had conquered a simple tasks...and I finally used something out of the magazine...instead of just being stacked in my studio!

Our minds are programmed to believes in the “what if’s”. “What if I fail? What if my momma don’t like it? What if I lose everything? What if my friends don’t like it? Whose happiness are you here to sacrifice?   What if that new business does work, what if going back to school elevates your life, what if you treat yourself to something you have always wanted to do? What happens?  At the end of the day, life is all about taking risks to create the life that you want for your happiness…But you got to put the first foot forward!  Personally I am more afraid of what would happen if I didn’t try.  I’m afraid to live with the guilty feeling of regret and I certainly don’t want  the disease I call the  shoulda’,  coulda’ , woulda’s !!!!

I used to be a kindergarten teacher and the first weeks lesson with every class was…..” as you try you will never fail”.  In fact it was plastered across my wall for each year’s class to learn and let resign ate in their souls.  I’d read to them stories like “the Little Engine that Could” to teach them that all you have to do is KEEP TRYING!  It ain’t easy, but this world is ours to conquer, don’t be afraid of what could happen, be afraid of what could NOT happen, if you don’t try. 

So…..truth or dare, what you gon’ do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Much Love,
The Retail Therapyst

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