Tuesday, November 29, 2011

If the Shoe Fits.....

Vintage bag, paired with a pencil skirt, a great look for work, a date or hanging out.  Shoes...karmaloop.com
Don't hesitate to color block. The key to dressing is NOT being totally matchy matchy, but creating an ensemble with colors that blend and have a common color that pulls it all together.....pencil skirt,Philthy Ragz
 Often times I am indirectly previed to some really crazy conversations and get to witness how women react to one another it various situations.  I have seen other women shrink when other beautiful women enter the room and I have seen women get louder to match the “appearance” of another.  Can’t say I have seen it all but I have seen a lot!!  I must say that the thing that drives me most crazy is listening to judgmental women....by  that I mean, women who make a judgment call based on a twenty second shared moment.
No matter whats paired at the top, slouchy sweatshirt, blazer or sheer blouse, leopard mixes and matches with anything to create the perfect day or night time look......
When I was young, I hated the color burgundy!!! As you can see now, its the perfect color  for color blocking with blues, pinks or greens........shoes, Lamb...Leopard jeans, Philthy Ragz Boutique
I have found that women tend to be quite judgmental and harsh, unnecessarily.  We get to whispering and 
chatting about things we are truly unaware of, I too have been guilty of this!  I mean it’s one thing to give an observation or an honest opinion but when it’s hateful and has no foundation and  unwarranted, we have got to stop it!!   All of us are relative to our experiences, and as long as human life exists, we will all be different.  That is a given.  Difference is not man made, it came from the creator. 

Truth be told, nude shoes were thought to be worn by older women back in the day, fast forward..... you should NOT BE caught dead without a pair, when you are unsure of what color shoe to wear, go nude!!!!!!! (shoes, that is)lol!

Wide leg palazzo pants can be  worn with fitted tee, long cardigan or crop  top.............

shoes, BeBe, pants, Philthy Ragz

My wish is that  women take the time to get to know one another, or at least give the other person an opportunity to show and prove. You never know how some one's story can have a direct and positive affect on your life.

I cant tell you if its the comfort, the style or the unique qualities, but right now Jeffrey Campbell shoes are my favorite!!!!!!!

 Lets begin to consider what another individual may have been through prior to your arrival. This requires us to be selfless, but consider this:  she may have just had an argument with her significant other, or her child was just mouthing off or hell! She might have just gotten fired! We will never know until we give another a chance....

I am just saying we have all got to take a moment to consider walking a mile in someone else’s shoes. We don’t know what they have been through or what it took to get them to the moment of your encounter.
We have got to take the time to consider someone else’s journey.  You never know what a  "how u doin" (in a Wendy Williams voice) might do for someone else.  Sometimes the load may be so heavy on someone that they are consumed with their own journey they may not realize their aura.  You can break that energy! Smile, compliment or a give a gentle nod............

So like I have heard plenty of old folks say, “if you ain't got nothing good to say, don’t say nothing at all!” ….especially if have haven’t walked a mile in my shoes!!!

(I am sure you get the metaphor, why I chose to post pics of shoes only, right??? I'm just saying..............)

Until you see me again!
The Retail Therapyst  

1 comment:

  1. I love it! So true! We must come 2gether n unify, defeat the tactics that cause us to divide! We are much more powerfu Unified. Love Tytee
