Monday, February 27, 2012

Find Your Strength In Love......

While working in my studio, I set my Pandora station to Whitney Houston and for the first time since I sang with my church choir in the 5th grade, I  really listened to the words of "The Greatest of All". Fast forward......while working I kept singing (attempting to sing, lol) ......." find your strength in love......."
Of course many years have passed and the song has a much different meaning........I have learned a lot obout strength, circumstance and love. And of course, I must share!!!!! lol!!!!

Finding your strength in love can not be done without first, loving yourself.  Accepting your self and all of your flaws, knowing that you can change anything for the better, no matter what it is.  Loving yourself first means not compromising what you really feel.  Otherwise you operate and make decisions based on an untruths and the outcome you are going to get is pretentious, because that's what you gave....In this world, you get back what you put out!!!

Be positive in your thoughts. Make it a habit to celebrate the good in you.Acknowledge your best efforts and be grateful of the things you have accomplished in life. 

Stop criticizing yourself and berating yourself.  Every one makes mistakes, but remember its not in your fall, its in your get up!!!!

Stop worrying.  YOU CAN NOT CONTROL EVERYTHING.  Do what you can and surrender the rest.  There is no pill, no drink, no drug, no sip, no food, no person that you can turn to that can solve your problems....When you are finished with the above, the problem is still there, while you have added another uncompromising issue.

Be forgiving and generous to yourself first.....


When you love you first, you value your own opinion first and your are unihibited by what others think. WHEN you don't love you first, the opposite occurs. The question is, what do you say about you!?!?!? and what ever the answer  is, if you don't like it FIX IT!!!!

I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all......that's your strength!!!!

(picture me singing this to you....) FIND YOUR STRENGTH IN LOOOOOOOVVVE


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