Monday, November 21, 2011

Talk it Up!


Your thoughts represent possibilities. You are what you mean. You are what you stand for. You are what you speak.   The words you speak or that are always spoken to you have power. Refuse to relinquish your power and know that greatness is infectious, when you believe. 

Given all that women go through daily, I felt compelled to send out good vibes and wished my Facebook friends a prosperous day, only to receive a questionable inbox message.  The writer expressed her gratefulness for the inspiration, but she was perplexed by what I meant by having a prosperous day, (her reasoning was that everyone was not self-employed). 

I wrote to her that prosperity was not for an elite special class of people.  Prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving success and good fortune and to me was not just in riches, but in the power of thoughts.  So everyone should be prosperous!   
 I further explained that thinking prosperous thoughts is the most powerful, because what your mind thinks your body wills itself towards. Your thoughts are not only powerful but physical.  Whether negative or positive, anything we give attention to when you speak it, it will come back to you. 
Several years ago I read a book about prosperity and the most prevalent chapter was The Law of Attraction.   The premise was; what you radiate, you inevitably receive. an ah ha! moment!!!!!  Soon after reading the book I became desperately obsessed with the power of positive thoughts. My own Reality became unrealistic. I learned that  the most commonly road traveled to mediocrity, is being realistic, because where you are is not where you’re going to be,  I WAS THINKING OUT OF THE NOW!  If people like Edison, the Wright Brothers, Benjamin Banneker, or Garrett Morgan were realistic, collisions, nappy hair, plugging in your phone, dashing in out of town would be a mere thought!!! I had to see myself in the future...... and how I envisioned myself to be....(at the time I was at the end of working on a grant funded position, and was pondering the thought of opening a boutique)

 Embracing these thoughts is difficult at first because as humans we tend to look at the circumstance around us as final and we feed into people who can’t do something trying to talk you out of accomplishing your goals because they don’t see it, ( it really Ain’t for them to see, cause  they are not the one with the vision!)and whether you realize it or not, those negative thoughts resonate in you...    Sometimes to be prosperous you got to make a shift!

 Prosperity is not just for some special class of people, it exists for everyone who can think, dream, hope and believe. There is redemptive power in choice..... so choose to attract everything you deserve, by obsessively thinking, acting and talking  that you can and will do whatever your little heart desires! Now talk it up and make moves baby!!

That’s ……Real Talk!
The Retail Therapyst

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